The patch (intended for Multipalyer) is not compatible with the campaign, in this case disable it too to avoid problems
Pre-Order and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (v20221102 + Yuris Revenge + Windows 7-11 Compatible + Next Gen Patch + Multiplayer + English/German) – [DODI Repack] Based on Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 [Ready2Play], thanks to LuKeStorm Game version: v20221102 – Compatible with Windows 7-11 – Red Alert 2 v1.006 + Yuris Revenge v1.001 – LAN singleplayer/multiplayer (online via CnCNet client) – English/German support – Improved compatibility and performance – OpenGL/Direct3D9/Direct3D12 (9on12) rendering – Fullscreen/Windowed mod – Windowed borderless mod – Fullscreen – Launcher (English/German) – “UMP Next Gen” community patch (enable/disable) – Mod support (Launcher can prepare a folder for you to install a mod) Language : – Text: English, German – Language can be changed in Launcher Repack Size: 510 MB Final size: 1.3 GB Lossless Repack, nothing removed OR recoded Install time: A few seconds Credits: Razor12911 for Xtool library Best regards: ElAmigos, KaOsKrew, FitGirl Repack By DODI PLZ SEED, NO HIT & RUN FAQ Problems when “YR Next Gen” patch is enabled Disable the patch and see if the problem is solved.
(Right click: delete the mod files folder completely) The mod can then be installed according to the instructions of the mod in the folder
YR menu resolution does not change (hardcoded) Changing the resolution only affects the game resolution/playback Mod support Use the “Modfolder” function to create a separate folder for a mod with all the necessary game files.
Also, the mod can be started via the “Start Mod” launcher
(Select exe to launch mod) (Game/mod should not be launched via R2P launcher at any time) CnCNet Multiplayer Online/LAN client and lobby conflict, settings and fixes in the client itself Information: Patch org Yuris Revenge.
Next Gen (UMP Next Gen v20) Fixes bugs, makes balance changes and more
Details: folder launcher\UMPNextGen -> “_UMPNextGen” text file or – Play via CnCNet Multiplayer Online/LAN or Skirmish (Make sure all players are using the patch) – Online Multiplayer via CnCNet: Detect when modified game files are used and not everyone uses the same files.